Visits to Rothesay 1961
28th January and 22nd April 1961
click here to see the log entry
Attending on 28th January (or at least those known to have attended)
Leaders: Bob Miller and Ian McFarlane
Scouts: Alistair Cram, Billy Phillips, Bobby McCallum and Alan Jeyes
Extract from Troop Log (pretty minimal!)
Saturday 28th January 1961
SatAftExped to Rothesay Baths
Scribe: A.B. Cram (T.L.)
Attending on 22nd April
Leaders: Bob Miller, Ian McFarlane (?)
Scouts: Bobby McCallum, Alan Jeyes, George Gray, Ronald Russell, Donald Hamilton, R. McKelvie, Ronald Lind, John Moore, Ian Paterson
Extract from Troop Log
Saturday 22nd April 1961
The Troop met “UP Glug”(1) and got the 1.08 train for Rothesay. Those present were S.M. R.K. Miller, P.L. Ronald Lind, Ian Paterson, Alan Jeyes, R. McKelvie, Bobby McCallum, Ronald Russell, George Gray and John Moore.(3) As the train drew out of Up Glug, R. McKelvie made the pronouncement that he had left his swimming gear at the station. When the troop arrived at Rothesay, they met Ian McFarlane who was going home(2). A fabby ??? time was had by all and a souvenir was left by Alan Jeyes in the shape of his flippers.
Scribe .B. Cram (T.L.)
Editors notes
1. “Up Glug” is not defined. Possibly it meant Port Glasgow in order to get the train to Wemyss Bay.
2. Ian McFarlane is in a couple of photographs, so it is not clear whether he joined the group or not. Depends on whether the photos were taken at Wemyss Bay pier or Rothesay pier.
3. Donald Hamilton was also present
Scribe: A.B. Cram (T.L.)