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click here to see a summary of the camp.

click here to see an overview of Summer Camps.


Summary of the Camp

No log books have been discovered that describe the Summer Camp to Tayvallich (Carsaig Bay) in 1962, and only one Scout (John Lyle) is definately known to have attended it. It is known, however, that the camp lasted ten nights. A small number of photographs have survived that are thought to have been taken at the camp. These indicate that approximately 13 Scouts and 3 Scouters were present. Not all of the Scouts have been identified and some of the identifications are a bit 'shaky'. However, those attending are thought to be the following.



Scouters : S.M. R.K. Miller (Bob);  A.S.M. John Nisbet; and A.S.M. Ken Johnson.


Scouts: P.L. Ronald Lind, P.L. Ian Fraser, Sec(?). Alan Conway, Sec. Billy Phillips, John Lyle, Billy Gunn,  Sec. Alan Jeyes (?), Gifford Lind, Ronald Russell (?), Robin Crawford (?), George Conway


The limited number of photographs covering the camp means that it is not possible to provide much information on the camp programme. Swimming was certainly one activity, which was probably carried out in Carsaig Bay. There was also a visit to Church on a Sunday. Two photographs show the Crinan Canal suggesting that there might have been a hike to the canal.

Troop Log entry for the 1964 summer camp can be viewed by clicking here.

Ben Nevis 1979: Text

©2021 by Graham L. Patrick.

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