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Victor Clark's Wedding

27th December 1952

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Novices Camp 1979: Text

Log book entries from Troop Log

27th December 1952

Marriage of G.S.M. Victor Clark with Hannelore Zimmerman at the Greenock Old Wets Kirk

Best Man Brian Hodgson


Guard of Honour

S. Jack, S, Whiteford, J. Heap (2nd), J. Ross (PL), A. Duncan (PL)

W. Bain (2nd), D. MacNeill (PL), R. Miller, D. Brown (PL). J. Whitefield (PL), A. Whitefield (PL).


​Report from Troop Log

27th December 1952

Today, a Guard of Honour of 11 Scouts were present at the GSM’s wedding this morning. Some of the Scouts made quite a profit from grabbing the bell money. The two patrol leaders who acted as ushers were Andrew Whiteford and Douglas Brown.


Author Douglas Brown (PL). Approved J.B. Hodgson



A Giles Cartoon was also added to the Troop Log on the following page which may have been related to the Scouts acting as a Guard of Honour.


Newspaper cutting from the Greenock Telegraph

“Scoutmaster Weds German Girl”

‘Scouts of the 70th Renfrewshire Troop formed a guard of honour at the old West Kirk at the weekend when their Scoutmaster, Mr Victor Clark, was married to a German girl nursing in a Greenock Hospital.

The assistant Scout Master, Mr Brian Hodgson, was best-man, while the ushers were two of the ‘grooms patrol leaders.

After the ceremony, the happy couple walked down the church path through a canopy of staves held aloft by twelve Scouts in full uniform.

The bride was Miss Hannelore Zimmerman, employed at the Greenock “Royal”, and her bridesmaid was another nurse, Miss McDonald.’


Note: The hymns sung during the service were ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’ and ‘Oh Perfect Love, all human thought transcending’.


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