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Right of Way Hike

4th May 1941

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Novices Camp 1979: Text

Log book entry from Troop Log

4th May


Leader  Wilson Hill


Scouts  Eleven Scouts,  including Alasdair MacLaine, and possibly Neil MacDougall, Alan MacKay, Tony Treadwell, Andrew Webster, George Brown


Weather:  Sunny


Report from Troop Log

Church Parade to Finnart Church at 11:00 AM. Present 14 Scouts 1 Scouter.

In the afternoon, 11 Scouts and ASM W Hill went for a walk over the Right of Way.

We got the 2 o’clock bus from George Square to the crossroads from where we walked up to the pond. At the pond, we constructed a small raft on which we lit a fire, then launched it into the water and let it float out.  We also had a game of stalking in the wood; then had a picnic. After the picnic, we walked over the moor to the cliffs above the Cloch. On the way over, we stopped at a small waterfall above which we built a dam. Then after ??? a fair amount of water behind the dam, we broke it up allowing the water to rush over the falls.

At the cliffs, we stopped at “The Tree”, which was climbed by nearly all.

We finished up by walking along the Cloch Road into Ashton, from where we took the bus home. The weather was very good.

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