Rosneath Camps
21st-22nd May 1960
click here to see an account of the camp
Entry in the Troop Log Book
Photo 1 Roseneath Camp - 21st-22nd May 1960
Possible Attendance
Leaders: Jim Harvey, John Nisbet
Scouts: John Moore, Alan Conway, Albert Runcie, Michael Nisbet, Jim Blair, Alistair Cram and Alex Miller.
The Troop Log has no specific entry relating to this camp, other than the photo shown. However, other entries indicate that this was a practice camp held the weekend before the Shannon Cup competition held on the 28th-29th May 1960.
The patrol chosen for the competition was led by Troop Leader Jim Blair, with PL Alastair Cram as Second. The other members of the team were PL Thomas Dow, Second Albert Runcie, Alan Conway, John Moore and Michael Nisbet. PL Alex Millar of the Curlew Patrol was also meant to be in the team as Second Scout but tore a ligament (or something) and so missed out on the competition. It is likely that he was at Roseneath with the other members of the team, however. The photograph might have been taken by Alastair Cram.
Sources: Entries in the Troop Log for the 13th and 28th May 1960.
Photos 2-4 Possibly taken at Roseneath (Dates unknown)
As a monkey bridge has been built, it is proposed that this might have been a training weekend for a District Pioneering Competition held in 1960. ​There are 4 Scouts present - possibly Ronald Lind, Ian Fraser, Ronald Russell and Michael Nisbet. However, these are very tentative identifications.